Microsoft Windows 365 – The Future of Business Operating Systems
Microsoft has recently launched a new product which makes use of Cloud services called Windows 365. It’s an on-demand version of Windows that is delivered via streaming technology, so that it can be used on any device, and paused or resumed on the fly.
Their website tells the user everything they need to know about the service, and what it does for the user:
“Windows 365 combines the power and security of the cloud with the versatility and simplicity of the PC. From contractors and interns to software developers and industrial designers, Windows 365 enables a variety of new scenarios for the new world of work.”
This product is going to have significant and widespread effects, especially for moderately sized businesses, and enterprises. This piece will cover all the new services this product provides, and how businesses can best take advantage of the important changes introduced by it.
Not Another Azure Virtual Desktop
The complicated and sometimes strange realm of the Azure Virtual Desktop may have primed some people to be less than enthusiastic about this newest product from Microsoft, but Windows 365 is far more than a simple rebranding. Microsoft is aware of the difficulties customers and Administrators alike had had when trying to use AVD, and they appear to be taking steps to address those deeper problems at their roots. They stressed this in a statement to their Cloud users:
“Microsoft continues to innovate in Azure Virtual Desktop for those organizations with deep virtualization experience that want more customization and flexibility options.”
Great! But what about people who don’t use AVD?
For those people, Windows 365 steps in to offer a much simpler solution. Indeed, simplicity is the go-to word for the entire experience, for users, for admins, and even for incorporating a brand new cloud service. This simplicity will allow them to reach out to an entirely new audience, since moderately sized businesses will now be able to participate in Windows 365 without needing to dedicate inordinate amounts of time and effort into administrating the entire thing. This will also make ad hoc licenses significantly more feasible.
When this service launches it will already be compatible with the Windows 10 OS and will quickly be upgraded to make use of Windows 11, as soon as that new OS is prevalent enough. The user will be able to stream their new Windows instance to any device.
The streamed sessions will show a user an image of their desktop, which they will be able to interact with directly. What this means is that the user session can stop at any point, anywhere, before being picked right back up on any device, anywhere. They can start working at home on a desktop, turn it off, board a train, pull out a tablet and resume. This is the perfect kind of system to have in place as we achieve a telecommuting future, where the workforce is free to start work either in the office or remotely.
With many more options for devices that can be used to access Windows 365, the costs for hardware will naturally decrease. Where previously a more expensive laptop may have been the only option for a remote worker, now they will have many more choices. They may be able to do the same work that they always have, but with a far cheaper Chromebook or tablet. Remote workers will also not need to carry around larger, bulkier devices. Even work that requires some significant processing power will still be possible on these smaller devices. As long as the user has a good device with which to access the Cloud, all of the compiling and number crunching will be done for the user remotely, letting them do a lot more with a lot less.
Windows 365 – Secure and Up To Date
Windows 365 itself will be responsible for updating behind the scenes whenever required. This means that users and administrators will not need to configure the programs and set up multiple policies. If a user needs to share their work with someone else, the process is simple and streamlined, consisting simply of adding another user into a corporate share, giving them permission to access it.
New security features include elastic endpoints, which are simple to deploy, so they won’t require specialists or extra training to use. Endpoint Manager runs everything, from the virtual endpoints to the physical, on-site infrastructure.
Additionally, the new program allows work to continue unabated in the face of what previously would have been a potential company-wide security risk, such as loss or theft of a device. Simply remove said device from the access pool to negate it as a security risk, and then provide the user with a new one so they can continue with their work immediately. If strong data storage protocols are implemented and followed among the users and administrators, the loss of a device is no longer a major disaster.
Microsoft Teams Integration
Microsoft Teams is the nerve center of the increasingly interconnected, collaborative features that make up Windows 365. In fact, Microsoft Teams was used by the government of Nunavut after they suffered a ransomware attack that crashed their IT infrastructure. Microsoft invited the government of Nunavut to an early preview of Windows 365. They won the government over, despite their worries that the system wouldn’t be sufficient to reach many of their more remote communities. Microsoft proved that Teams was a perfect match for the job, despite limitations from Nunavut’s satellite network.
Farnhan Nadeem, the Senior Systems Expert in the Nunavut Government said this of Microsoft Teams:
“Teams is a major hit, and it’s working perfectly in Windows 365. The audio quality of a Teams meeting is better than the cell service we have in Nunavut communities.”
Nunavut had initially planned and budgeted for a three year rollout of their IT overhaul after the ransomware attack. With Windows 365 and Microsoft Teams it took them three weeks. They are still using it as their primary communication and collaboration system to this day.
The Future of Business Operating Systems
Windows 365 is arriving at an ideal time, as it coincides with the increase of employees working from home and BYOD policies becoming more common in companies. For these people, Windows 365 is surely going to be seen as a boon. Though Azure Virtual Desktop will still retain some of its user base, the advantages of Windows 365, from its increased security and flexibility, to how it allows users to work on cheaper and lighter devices, to its increased processing power, is undoubtedly going to lure a lot of companies into this new way of doing business.
For business interested in this new technology, look no further than Outsource IT. As Microsoft Gold Partners we have the skills and experience needed to install, troubleshoot, and maintain Microsoft’s family of products. Contact an Outsource IT account manager to learn more.